Text 1
sri-bahulacva uvaca
canuradyac ca ye mallas
te ke purvam ihagatah
aho sri-krsnacandrena
yesam yuddham babhuva ha
Sri Bahulacva said: In their previous births who were Canura and the other wrestlers that fought with Lord Krsna?
Text 2
sri-narada uvaca
rajan puramaravatyam
utathyo 'sti maha-munih
tasyabhavan panca putrah
Sri Narada said: O king, in ancient times there was a great sage named Utathya, who lived in Amaravati. He had five sons handsome as Kamadeva.
Text 3
hitva vidyam cadhyayanam
japam tena sahaiva te
gatva baler malla-yuddham
sadaciksan madoddhatah
Abandoning their studies and mantra-chanting, these wild sons went to King Bali's wrestling camp and studied wrestling daily.
Text 4
rusa praha sa tan mattan
utathyo muni-sattamah
Utathya, the best of sages, angrily spoke to his sons, who had neglected their Vedic studies and brahminical duties.
Text 5
sri-utathya uvaca
camo damas tapah caucam
ksantir arjavam eva ca
jnanam vijnanam astikyam
brahma-karma sva-bhava-jam
Sri Utathya said: Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and religiousness- these are the qualities by which the brahmanas work.*
Text 6
cauryam tejo dhrtir daksyam
yuddhe capy apalayanam
danam icvara-bhavac ca
ksatram karma sva-bhava-jam
Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, and leadership are the qualities of work for the ksatriyas.*
Text 7
vaicya-karma sva-bhava-jam
paricaryatmakam karma
cudrasyapi sva-bhava-jam
Farming, cow-protection, and business are the qualities of work for the vaicyas, and for the cudras there is labor and service to others.*
Text 8
bhavanto brahmanah sutah
malla-yuddham ksatra-yuddham
katham kuruta durjanah
Rogues, why do you, a brahmana's sons, reject your brahminical duties and engage in wrestling, a ksatriya's work.
Text 9
tasmad bhavanto bhuyasur
malla vai bharatajire
asuranam prasaggena
durjana bhavatacu hi
I curse you to become wrestlers in Bharata-varsa. By associating with demons you will become demons yourselves.
Text 10
sri-narada uvaca
utathyasya sutas te vai
jata malla mahi-tale
param moksam yayur nrpa
Sri Narada said: In this way Utathya's sons were born as wrestlers on the earth. O king, simply by the touch of Lord Krsna's body they attained liberation.
Text 11
canuro mustikah kutah
calas tocala eva ca
esam caritram kathitam
kim bhuyah crotum icchasi
In this way I have described the activities of Canura, Mustika, Kuta, Sala, and Tocala. What more do you wish to hear?