
Thursday, 28 August 2014


Rukmini knew that all the odds were against her and that she must find her own way to win the man she loved. She remembered an aged Brahmin who was in her father's court. He might be able to help her, she thought and so she sent for him.

"Most lovely Princess," the Brahmin said, " I am ready to help you. Please command."
" I want you to take a letter from me to Prince Krishna of Dwarka."

The princess thereupon handed the letter to the Brahmin who promised : "I will be in Dwarka within no time."

The faithful Brahmin rode as fast as he could. The way was long and not free from danger. When he reached there he requested for an audience with Lord Krishna. After having shown due hospitality and courtesy to the Brahmin, Krishna asked him, "Reverend sire, may I request you to let me know the mission of your visit ?"

The Brahmin replied : "I have brought a letter for you from Princess Rukmini, the only daughter of King Bhishmak of Vidarbha (modern Berar) but he has betrothed his daughter to Prince Shishupal, son of the King of Chedis, whom she dislikes very much."

He took out the letter from one of the folds of his garment and handed it to Krishna. It read as follows :
"My Lord, I have listened to the tales of your splendour and prowess. My conduct might seem to you unmaidenly in approaching you in this manner but most worthy Prince, you are the cause of it. I am sure you would accept a girl, who brings her heart to you. It is a right of a girl to choose her own husband as a husband chooses his own girl to wed with.

Pray, you not to deny this right to a girl who loves you ardently, for I can think of nothing but you. I pray to accept me else I shall become the wife of Shishupal whom I do not wish to marry, it is settled. Do not ask my father for my hand. Come here, 0 unattainable Lord, before the appointed day for my wedding and carry me away in your arms. A day prior to my wedding I shall go to worship at the shrine of Goddess Ambika. At that time, come and seize me. If you will not come, I shall die of sorrow."

Krishna read the letter over and over again. Here was a strange request to save a maiden from an unwanted match. But he had already fallen in love with her without seeing her, for the fame of this beautiful girl had reached his ears from the citizens of Dwarka. At last he said to the Brahmin : "I shall go to Vidarbha and carry her away like a leaf wafted by the wind."

"The day of her wedding is close at hand," the Brahmin remarked.

"We must start immediately," Krishna said and he bade his charioteer to be ready with the swiftest of steeds. He also took with him a strong body of Yadava knights. Along with the Brahmin, this company galloped day and night and reached Kundinpur just in time.

From the opposite direction Prince Shishupal accompanied by his royal father arrived near the walls of the city. King Bhishmak went out in a grand procession to receive and do honour to his would-be son-in-law.
Rukmini sat in her palace in despair. It was the eve of her wedding day. All kinds of thoughts crowded in her mind. She thought about the old Brahmin, for the old man had not come back. She felt doubtful whether Prince Krishna had got the letter or not. If he had received it, what would he think about her request ? Perhaps, he might reject her hand, at this thought what a flood of tears she let loose?

All at once her left eye began to throb. It was a happy omen. Just then a maid servant announced that a Brahmin had come and was seeking her audience. At once he was shown into the room.
"Did you meet Prince Krishna ?" she enquired eagerly.

"Lovely Princess ", replied the Brahmin, "Krishna is already here. He is now in the city." He thereafter narrated all that had taken place at Dwarka.


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