
Monday, 2 December 2013

Gradual upliftment of Muchkunda from Kshatriya to Brahmana

This extraordinary person was a son of Mandhata's named Mucukunda. He was devoted to brahminical culture and always true to his vow. The wise Mucukunda, understanding the futility of material life, asked only that he might be allowed to take shelter of Lord Sri Krsna's lotus feet. Pleased at this request, the Lord said to Mucukunda, "My devotees are never enticed by material benedictions offered to them; only nondevotees, namely yogis and speculative philosophers, are interested in material benedictions, having mundane desires in their hearts. My dear Mucukunda, you will have perpetual devotion for Me. Now, always remaining surrendered to Me, go perform penances to eradicate the sinful reactions incurred from the killing you had to do in your role as a warrior. In your next life you will become a first-class brahmana and attain Me." Thus the Lord offered Mucukunda His blessings.

Friday, 16 August 2013

brahma janati iti brahmanah

janmana jayate sudrah samskarat dwij uchchte veda pathnat bhavet viprah brahma janati iti brahmanah

“By birth one is a sudra (lowest caste), by the purificatory process one becomes a dvija (higher path), by study of the Vedas one becomes a vipra, and one who knows Brahman is a brahmana.”


Vedas -
Brahman -

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Who is a 'Brahmin' - A Conversation

The conversation between Sri Yudhishtra and Sri Krishna Paramatma on Braahmanyam would be worth a glance here.
This is contained in the 96th an
d 97th chapters of the Aswamedika Parva- one out of the eighteen parvas.
Asks Yudhishtra:
Kesava! Janardhana! Who is a Brahmin?What is his true character?

Sri Krishna:
Listen to Me, Oh, Yudhishtra! Great one among the ardent followers of dharma! It is they:
* who have tuft, who wear Yajyopaveeta,
* who worship Agni,
* who love their spouse,
* who recite Vedas,
* who worship Devi Gayatri through performing Sandhyavandana
* who perform their duties towards guests and
* who perform pitru karmas with devotion...

Oh King, Pandava, listen to me further. Even if one were to be a Brahmin by birth and were
to be highly accomplished, I will consider their life a mere waste if they

* do not perform Deva karmas,
* are greedy,
* have no love for their spouse,
* discriminate while serving food,
* show disrespect to their mother, father or Guru
* do not perform Sandhyavandana,
* do not respect the words of father-in-law and mother-in-law,
* earn their living by usury,
* are impostors
* and neglect their nitya karmas


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